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Mission to India

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The Baptist Convention Coastal Andhra invites you to the remote and coastal parts of the Andhra:


We encourage everyone to visit BCCA in India and see how God is working through us. We know that you will benefit and be encouraged by seeing the work. Your presence will also encourage the believers in India.

You’ll spend time in India and experience its culture by living, learning and working alongside those in the local Christian community. You will be Part of our Mission to do the Medical camps, Children Ministry, Evangelizing the Un-reached and proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through open-air Crusades in villages and towns. And Encouraging and strengthening the BCCA Pastors and missionaries who are ready to go to the outreach to spread His word of GOD.


You can visit with us to slums and help many slums kids, street children and also many poor people, orphans, widows and lepers.


These photos, our partners from different countries are visited unreached areas with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, some times we and our partners walk upto 10kms to reach the unreached in forest tribal areas. 

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Dear Friends,


The BCCA invites you to the Coastal parts of the Andhra Pradesh, South INDIA that will bring you a vision of fulfillment. You will meet people and see places that you had a vision that God put in your heart.


See that people will touched by God's word and changing hundreds of lives all over India. Billion populations & the fastest growing nation on earth & Speaking 1,600 languages & dialects. And 2000 years of resistance to the Gospel but still Christians where there is only 3 %. Throughout India, God needs workers for His harvest. Now God may be inviting you to honor His invitation with prayer and earnest desire.


Are you ready to come to India to fulfill God’s purpose in your life? Accept and believe God's calling in time to come to India. Now opportunity came to you come and see God’s blessing where you’ve never gone!


Friends, come join with us to spread the word of GOD, and to help many orphans, street kids, widows, lepers, and slum kids, many tribal people, and more. 


Thank you, 


Rev. JKM

Baptist Convention Coastal Andhra


In Person

Baptist Convention Coastal Andhra

Andhra Pradesh


Over the Phone

By Email

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