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BCCA Activities

"And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel not where Christ was named."Romans 15:20



BCCA activities:


1) Distributing gospel tracts


2) giving free holy Bibles poor believers and new converts


3) BCCA church planting where there is no Baptist church around the state


4) Baptist house fellowships “fallow-up”


5) Baptist gospel crusades   


6) Baptist Care House for Kids “Orphanages”


7) Help the victims of disasters


8) Baptist care for Widows


9) Baptist Care for Lepers


10) Helping poor pastors and evangelists


11) Sending missionaries to around the country


12) Feeding poor and needy “Baptist Homeless Feeding”


13) Free notebooks distribution to poor school kids


14) Distribution of clothes to poor and needy


15) Providing bicycles and pa systems to evangelists


16) Film Ministry


17) Digging bore wells in slums


18) Providing milk buffalos to rural poor and needy for self-support business


19) providing goats, chickens, and ducks to poor women for self-support business


20) Arranging medical camps.



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